Safety Information

Solar Eclipse Glasses and Viewers are made to comply with ISO regulations and are CE certified. We value our customer's health and safety. Solar Eclipse Glasses ensures that each viewing device is high quality so you and yours can explore safely. 

What Makes our product superior?

Our glasses and viewers have an optical density of 5, making them perfect for  viewing total, partial, hybrid and annular eclipses. Made from an innovatory and dependable scratch-resistant black polymer material, the lenses of our paper eclipse glasses and viewers filter out damaging ultraviolet and infrared light, block 99.999% of high-intensity visible light and can be used for years to come. 

Printed Certifications and Transmission Requirements 

Solar Eclipse Glasses and Viewers are “CE” certified and made to meet transmission requirements of a multitude of licensing bodies across the world: scale 12-16 of EN 169/1992, 2012 transmission requirements of EN 1836:2005, and AS/NZS 1338.1:1992 of the Queensland Directive. All of our glasses and viewers are printed with the information above, so you know they are legitimate.

Printed Instructions for Use

Always look for printed safety instructions on your glasses and viewers, and read the instructions carefully. Solar Eclipse Glasses prints instructions on all of our eclipse viewing eyewear to ensure the glasses are used as intended. 

Solar Eclipse Glasses and Viewers are legitimate and safe eyewear to use for the next eclipse. Get protected and pick up a pack of glasses for yourself, your family and your friends!